I can’t stop yawning. I’m tired. But only when I am upright. When I lay down, I feel wide-awake. I think it’s because I spent all day sleeping. I blame the snow. I think that I can do that.

I woke up at like 5 am. Stayed awake until about 9 am and then slept until about 2 or 3 pm. I know, it’s not the snows fault… It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have slept all that while. I think I’m coming down with a cold as well. My nose is so plugged. That also makes sleeping difficult. It’s so… I was thinking of a synonym for “uncomfortable” and “confining” is listed. I like that. Stuffy noses are so confining. Bubba can be confining too. I sleep on one side of the bed, and he sleeps in the middle of the bed. Yes, my cat takes up 2/3 of any size bed. From a futon (whatever size they are) to a queen size. He has a knack for being in the way.

Omg. I can’t stop yawning.

Okay, I got up and went to the bathroom. Walking around and blowing my nose helped quite a bit. Now, I just have to remember to not breathe through my mouth. I don’t know if this is the same for everyone else, but if I just continue to breathe through my nose, it will stay unclogged. Is that a thing?

There’s also a lid on the garbage bin in the bathroom. I kept thinking that it was the worst design for a lid because it doesn’t open on its own. However, it does it’s just that the spring on it is so rusted that it has no spring left. Which, that makes sense. It’s in the bathroom. I was going to try repairing it but I think I would just end up snapping the spring. I’m wondering if I can craft one using a paperclip? I don’t know. Anything to save money that makes life more simple is good, right?

So many uncertainties. I suppose that’s to be expected at 2 am.

This weekend was productive in my opinion, until I wiped my primary site. Fortunately, I was able to restore it from a backup. The backup was from the 30th though, so all of that work was for naught. Hm, what else did I do? Oh, I helped my great-aunt put up Christmas decorations outside. I think they look nice. She said she has more to put out, like more garland. She also got this really nice rug at a good price. It really ties the room together pretty well. I helped her lay that out, and we did some cleaning up after my 2-year-old cousin left.

While I am looking forward to having my own place, it is nice living with someone else and having things to do. Even if it is just helping them do things. It gives me more content for my blog than, “I woke up. I played video games, I ate and slept.” LOL

Bubba’s getting cranky at me. Despite sleeping all day with him, he wants more sleep time from me. This kid… all he does is sleep! Sleep or purposefully walk in my path. Those are his two super powers. He is a hero, but his super powers leave a lot to be desired. 🤪

For $2.99 I bought an ebook. The Emerald Tablets by Thoth the Atlantean (paid link). I figured if I am spending all of this time researching them, I might as well read them as well. Right? I don’t care that they’re thousands of years old, the “old” language is annoying to read. I think I might rewrite them with a 21st century vernacular.

Anyways, I think that’s all I got for this one. I’ll probably post again soon, maybe tomorrow before my group sessions.

Take care.

By Justin

Born and raised in Northeast Wisconsin, I've journeyed through retail, call centers, and hospitality, finding fulfillment in diverse interactions. Beyond work, I enjoy gaming, reading, and blogging about science and spirituality. Looking ahead, I aspire to financial stability and publishing a book that encapsulates my imaginative journey.

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