Daily writing prompt
How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

I’ve been unplugged from most social media for several years now. I’m still on Facebook, Instagram, and X but I don’t actively use them very much. I may make a post every week if that. I noticed several years ago that every time I went on social media, my depression would start acting up again. I would begin comparing myself to others. This is what clued me into the fact that I may need to take a break from it. I took about two years off of Facebook to re-orient myself.

In the beginning, it was difficult to adjust to being unplugged from social media. Over time it got easier though, and I noticed that I wasn’t experiencing as much negative emotion. I realized over a lot longer time that I don’t really care who posts what on social media. It used to affect me quite a bit, especially political postings but now I just figure it’s a bunch of people yelling into the void.

I think a lot of what we do on the internet is just yelling into the void hoping that someone reads or resonates with it. A lot of what I do on this blog is just that. I put the words out there, and hope someone can relate, but ultimately the true power lies in being able to release the thoughts that I have.

Unplugging from technology, in general, would be difficult in today’s day and age. I use my cell phone to connect with people, I use my laptop to work, and I use my gaming systems for entertainment. So, it’s very rare that I entirely unplug. Instead, I pick and choose who I’m going to respond to. I unplug from people. For example, there is someone who messaged me a few hours ago and I haven’t responded. I feel like a jerk, but with this person in particular I know that talking to them would not result in anything productive. In that sense, I unplug on a daily basis and I know when to do it because I try to trust my intuition on when is right to engage.

Anyway, a lot of this was just rambling. I’ve been really struggling today with restlessness and boredom. Restlessness is my most prominent PAWS. Having a sit-down job is made all the more difficult by the fact that I can’t just sit and be content. My body craves constant movement. Just writing this blog post is difficult because the laptop in my lap is constantly moving as my legs slide up and down.

Another switch of topics, sorry for the whiplash. Last summer, I started and ran my own business for several months. I didn’t have the funds to keep it going, so it dissolved. But, I learned a lot in the process, learned from my mistakes and most importantly, I learned that I really enjoyed being a business owner. I saw a commercial about small business owners, and it made me want to try the business thing again.

There was somewhere that I heard, I think it was a podcast, but it’s very atypical for a business to be a success the first time around. Many people start business after business before finding the one that is successful. For that reason, I think I might get back to planning a business and this time use everything that I’ve learned to make it a success. I really enjoyed the freedom and flexibility of being my own boss, I loved the actual work I did which was managing an online store. Dealing with inventory in spreadsheet form was actually enjoyable for me. I loved the web development aspect of it. I’ve spent years in customer service, so I know that aspect of the business as well. I just need to figure out a product or service that’s going to sell, that’s in high demand.

I did a 3-card tarot spread to see what it said about starting my own business again and it sounds pretty positive, here are the results:

Your 3-card tarot spread suggests a positive and supportive message regarding starting your own business. Here’s an interpretation of each card in this context:

  1. Queen of Pentacles: This card represents a nurturing, practical, and resourceful person. It signifies financial security and the ability to create a warm, stable environment. In the context of starting a business, it suggests that you have the skills and the grounded approach needed to succeed. You are likely to be able to manage the practical aspects of a business effectively and create a nurturing environment for it to grow.
  2. Page of Pentacles: The Page of Pentacles indicates new beginnings, especially related to financial matters and career. It represents a youthful enthusiasm for new projects and a willingness to learn and grow. This card suggests that you are in a good position to embark on a new venture, with a fresh perspective and the potential for long-term growth. It also emphasizes the importance of planning and learning as you start your business.
  3. IV of Wands: The Four of Wands symbolizes celebration, stability, and a strong foundation. It often signifies successful completion of a project or a milestone. In the context of your business, it suggests that if you start your venture, you are likely to achieve a sense of accomplishment and joy. This card indicates that your efforts will lead to a stable and celebratory outcome.

Overall, this spread is very encouraging for starting your own business. It highlights your practical abilities, the potential for growth and learning, and the likelihood of achieving a stable and successful outcome.

Well, I know this started as a response to a daily prompt, but this has given me something to do for 20 minutes, so I appreciate your patience with me. 🥰

Leave a comment and let me know how you’d answer this daily prompt or if you have any advice for me to start my next venture.

By Justin

Born and raised in Northeast Wisconsin, I've journeyed through retail, call centers, and hospitality, finding fulfillment in diverse interactions. Beyond work, I enjoy gaming, reading, and blogging about science and spirituality. Looking ahead, I aspire to financial stability and publishing a book that encapsulates my imaginative journey.

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