Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Charlotte’s Web

I think the first book that really had a profound impact on me was Charlotte’s Web. It tells the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur’s life is in danger because he is destined to be slaughtered, Charlotte writes words in her web to praise Wilbur and convince the farmer to save him.

I believe this was the first chapter book I wrote, so it made me feel like a grown-up when I read it. Not only that, but the strong theme of friendship in the book left a lasting impact on me. The loyalty between Charlotte and Wilbur is a beautiful representation of true friendship. Charlotte’s selflessness and dedication to saving Wilbur, even at the cost of her own life, taught me about the power of sacrifice and the importance of helping others. This story also introduced me to the concept of mortality and the cycle of life in a gentle, yet impactful way.

Reading “Charlotte’s Web” as a child gave me a sense of empathy and a deeper understanding of the connections we share with others, regardless of differences. It remains one of my favorite books, not just for its touching story, but for the valuable lessons it imparted.

Harry Potter

Another book that left an impact on me was the Harry Potter series. The series follows Harry Potter, a young boy who discovers he is a wizard on his eleventh birthday, and his journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each book builds on the previous one, weaving a complex and engaging narrative that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages.

One of the most compelling aspects of the series is its exploration of themes such as friendship, bravery, and the battle between good and evil. The bonds formed between Harry, Hermione, and Ron are a testament to the power of loyalty and support in overcoming challenges. The series also delves into deeper issues, such as the consequences of prejudice and the importance of making the right choices, even when they are difficult. The magical world of Harry Potter not only provided an escape from reality but also offered valuable life lessons that resonated with readers of all ages.

The Alchemist

The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a book that has had a significant impact on many readers around the world, myself included. This philosophical novel tells the story of Santiago, a young shepherd from Spain who dreams of finding a hidden treasure near the Egyptian pyramids. His journey, filled with symbolic encounters and life-changing lessons, serves as a powerful allegory for the pursuit of one’s dreams and the importance of listening to one’s heart.

What struck me most about “The Alchemist” is its profound simplicity and the universal truths it conveys. The book emphasizes the idea that each person has a “Personal Legend” – a unique destiny to fulfill. Through Santiago’s adventures, Coelho beautifully illustrates the importance of perseverance, faith, and the willingness to take risks. The story is a reminder that the journey itself is just as important, if not more so, than the destination. It encourages readers to look within themselves and find the courage to follow their own path, no matter how daunting it may seem.

In conclusion, these three books – “Charlotte’s Web,” the Harry Potter series, and “The Alchemist” – have profoundly influenced me in different ways. Each one has imparted valuable lessons that have shaped my perspective on life and the world around me. “Charlotte’s Web” taught me about the beauty of friendship and the importance of empathy. The Harry Potter series instilled in me the values of bravery, loyalty, and the significance of making the right choices. “The Alchemist” inspired me to pursue my dreams and trust in the journey, no matter how challenging it might be. These books have not only entertained me but also enriched my understanding of human experiences, making them timeless treasures in my personal library.

By Justin

Born and raised in Northeast Wisconsin, I've journeyed through retail, call centers, and hospitality, finding fulfillment in diverse interactions. Beyond work, I enjoy gaming, reading, and blogging about science and spirituality. Looking ahead, I aspire to financial stability and publishing a book that encapsulates my imaginative journey.

7 thoughts on “Three Influential Reads”
  1. I have to admit I enjoyed “The Alchemist” but was a little disappointed with it 😕 that being said, it’s still a real great book 😊

  2. The Hobbit was one of my absolute favorites but since you’ve already shared a Tolkien one, I’ll select three others: The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart, The Gammage Cup by Carol Kendall, and The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare.

    Of course, Shel Silverstein was always good also.

    1. Oops! For some inexplicable reason, I shared some of my favorite children’s books. One of my favorite spiritual books was Ramtha: the White Book. My own, of course. There are so many amazing books for adults-I’m not sure I could select three. Elizabeth Peters & Marilyn Todd are writers I enjoy though.

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