Good evening folks,

Sorry for another hiatus. I’ve been busy with work and generating AI art. I’m trying to hone my skills so that I have enough knowledge to produce anything I put my mind to. I’m definitely progressing, I’ve seen a huge improvement in my output already.

But that’s not why I’m typing today. I’m just super frustrated with people right now. I’m trying to get my life back in order, and it seems like my old friends are no longer interested in being friends, or even talking very much.

Whenever I reach out to most people, I don’t get much engagement back, if any. It’s really frustrating. I don’t know, when I got my laptop out to write this I had more in mind to write but now that I’m writing it, I don’t know if I want to write it.

By Justin

Born and raised in Northeast Wisconsin, I've journeyed through retail, call centers, and hospitality, finding fulfillment in diverse interactions. Beyond work, I enjoy gaming, reading, and blogging about science and spirituality. Looking ahead, I aspire to financial stability and publishing a book that encapsulates my imaginative journey.

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